Last Minute Musical V-Day Ideas

Oh, so you somehow forgot about it being Valentine’s Day, did you? You fell into that cloying cliché of being the bumbler who totally spaces on the most garishly obvious day of romance ever conceived by a conglomerate of chocolatiers and greeting card companies. But it’s special to someone special to you and now, you can’t find a reservation at any halfway decent restaurant, and you’re wondering, what can I do to show that special someone that I care?

Well, never fear – the grand music community of Calgary has stepped up, and as always, is ready to provide you with a bountiful selection of entertaining options. Here’s a collection of some of the great events that are happening tonight (and if you hustle, you can still get tickets to ’em!)

(Editor’s note: these suggestions are just as valid for single people.)

If your S.O. (that’s significant other) has been dropping hints about wanting a nice, intimate setting, why not take ’em to Palentine’s Day at the Palomino? Ten bucks each gets you The Boom BoomsLaser Cake and Class Action in a venue that could ONLY be described as “intimate” – just ask anyone who was at the recent Benjamin Francis Leftwich show there. The tunes these bands put out can put anyone in a good mood in three songs or less. Plus, the food upstairs is amazing!

If they crave something a little more upscale and sophisticated, take a drive to the Ironwood Stage in Inglewood to see Alfie Zappacosta’s Valentines Show, with special guest, The Love Bullies. Alfie is a Juno winner, and an amazing performer whose smooth songs will set hearts a’blazin’. His jazzy/pop stylings are pure romance for the ear.

If that doesn’t hit the right note with your SO, how about grabbing a seat at the Pig and Whistle for the Indie Band Challenge? Wellington Folk, No Famous Death and Beneath The Wicked will be playing, with the night’s winner moving on the competition. This deliciously named pub draws an eclectic crowd, and you could always wager kisses on your favourite band of the night.

Of course, it’s probably all sold out by now, but maybe you have a friend who suddenly developed a case of the “singles”; if that’s so, and they thoughtfully planned ahead and got tickets to the evening’s CPO performance of Romeo and Juliet, you really ought of offer heaven and earth to get your mitts on them. Never mind the cost, this is surely to be one of the greatest date nights you could possibly muster, as the CPO always puts on a fine performance.

If none of these options have enough funk for your loved one, maybe the cure is a trip to Ubu Lounge for the Black History, Red Hearts event being put on by 10 at 10. The night includes performances by Eazy Mac, Kerry Miles, Enigma, Rondel Roberts Band, AC Alves, Jazzub Collective, Hai Def and more.

Of course, Broken City has it’s usual array of amazing acts that night, too. Chris Hayden of Florence and the Machine will be spinning the tunes, with performances by Reuben & the Dark and The Mountaineer, on the old Electric Avenue; this one will likely be pretty popular, as these powerhouse Calgary bands have a pretty local following, and the spillover from rejected and unreserved District patrons will probably fill out a pretty healthy crowd.

For even more options, you can check out our Twitter feed – we’ll be passing along every show we see. But in the end, remember that this day is about being with the one you love – and if that means spending some quality time with the Calgary music scene, then you’re sure to get lucky tonight!